Karina Schelde – NZ 2018-03-06T03:27:43+00:00

Project Description

Karina Schelde

Founder & researcher of the Soul Voice® method Karina Schelde is an internationally recognized pioneer in voice therapy and master teacher in sound healing, using the human voice as the ultimate instrument for personal development.


“To me, Awaken Your Inner Song means  connectedness into the One Voice!”


Email: [email protected]

Website: www.soulvoice.net


Session 1: The Magic Healing Power of VOICE

An invitation to free your voice, to strengthen your communication & inner listening skills, and to discover your unique sound healing abilities through YOUR VOICE!

Session 2: Unleash the Untapped Power of VOICE

Free your creative expression as well as your whole being by using sounds as your guide.

Explore your unique voice as you become more confident in your spontaneity, listening from the heart and letting the inner child’s wisdom show the way.